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Filming at BALTIC

An obvious location in Newcastle upon Tyne and Gateshead to do some filming!

Kaleel filming the BALTIC kittiwake colony

Kaleel filming the BALTIC kittiwake colony

We spent a couple of hours interviewing the building and facilities manager, Andrew Moore about the impact the nesting kittiwake colony has on the building and the perception of people visiting the BALTIC. What a fantastic viewpoint as a backdrop for our interview!

Andrew Moore and Dr Helen F. Wilson interview at BALTIC

Andrew Moore and Dr Helen F. Wilson interview at BALTIC

Many thanks to Andrew and the team at BALTIC.

Filming at Seahouses with Andrew Douglas of Serenity Farne Islands Tours

We don’t think any seabirds filming in the north east of England would be complete without a visit to the Northumberland village of Seahouses!

Seahouses is well known for its harbour and also as the gateway to the Farne Islands, one of the most important international seabird breeding colonies. It’s not as much ‘seabirds in the city’ as it is rural northumberland but it’s important to film kittiwakes in more traditional and natural settings too.

Andrew Douglas, skipper of Serenity Farnes Islands Tours kindly let us onboard his fantastic boats to do some filming and also, agreed to do an interview on what the seabird colonies mean for tourism and natural history in the region.

Interviewing Andrew Douglas, skipper of Serenity Farne Islands Boat Tours

Interviewing Andrew Douglas, skipper of Serenity Farne Islands Boat Tours

Filming at Seahouses Harbour

Filming at Seahouses Harbour

Onboard Serenity filming around the Farne Islands

Onboard Serenity filming around the Farne Islands

Many thanks to Andrew Douglas and the Serenity Farne Islands team!

Scarborough Kittiwakes

Last week, the production team visited the North Yorkshire seaside town of Scarborough. The kittiwakes nesting on and around the Spa Bridge and Grand hotel were our main filming targets. We also ventured inland to the town centre and main shopping thoroughfare where kittiwakes nest on shop-front ledges.

Travelling light! It takes a lot of gear to be prepared for different situations!

Travelling light! It takes a lot of gear to be prepared for different situations.

Filming the Scarborough kittiwake colony beneath the Spa Bridge.

Filming the Scarborough kittiwake colony beneath the Spa Bridge.

We also interviewed Tim Burkinshaw, ecologist for Scarborough Borough Council. Tim spoke with us about the impact of kittiwake colonies near Scarborough, the mixed views of residents and business owners, and learning to live with seabirds.

Interviewing Tim Burkinshaw, Scarborough Borough Council ecologist.

Interviewing Tim Burkinshaw, Scarborough Borough Council ecologist.

Interviewing Tim Burkinshaw, Scarborough Borough Council ecologist.

Interviewing Tim Burkinshaw, Scarborough Borough Council ecologist.

Many thanks to…

  • Tim Burkinshaw,
  • Steve Race, who showed us the locations of the town centre nesting sites,
  • The Bike and Boot Hotel for facilitating our stay.
Kittiwakes nesting beneath the Spa Bridge in Scarborough.

Kittiwakes nesting beneath the Spa Bridge in Scarborough.

We’re Filming in Scarborough!

From May 23rd, the Seabirds in the City team are heading to the North Yorkshire resort town of Scarborough. We’ll be filming the urban population of nesting kittiwakes and we’re also looking to conduct some interviews with people who feel strongly about the kittiwake colonies in Scarborough, whatever your views may be.

If you are business owner or resident and would like to express your opinions during a camera interview on either the 23rd, 24th or 25th May, please send us an email with your name, contact details and a brief overview of your feelings towards the presence of the kittiwake colonies:


Many thanks!

Seabirds in the City filming in Scarborough

Tynemouth Pier

A beautiful breezy and sunny Wednesday morning was spent filming on Tynemouth Pier as the DFDS ferry entered the mouth of the River Tyne

Recording the sound of the waves and the nesting kittiwakes at the bottom of Tynemouth Priory cliffs.

Recording the sound of the waves and the nesting kittiwakes at the bottom of Tynemouth Priory cliffs.

Filming rafting kittiwakes on the north side of Tynemouth Pier

Filming groups of kittiwakes rafting on choppy seas from the north side of Tynemouth Pier.

Filming the DFDS Amsterdam Ferry heading to North Shields from the mouth of the River Tyne.

Filming the DFDS Amsterdam Ferry heading to North Shields from the mouth of the River Tyne.

Filming the DFDS Amsterdam Ferry entering the mouth of the River Tyne

Filming the DFDS Amsterdam Ferry entering the mouth of the River Tyne

North Shields Ferry Landing

We spent a couple of hours filming at North Shields Ferry Landing on the River Tyne on Good Friday.

This is the nesting location of the last remaining North Shields & North Tyneside colony. 13 pairs of kittiwakes raised 16 young during the 2020 spring breeding season.

Their nesting site on the Ferry Mews building was covered in bird-deterrent netting during December 2020.

Filming kittiwakes around the North Shields Ferry Landing where their traditional nesting site has been covered in bird-deterrent netting.

Filming kittiwakes around the North Shields Ferry Landing where their traditional nesting site has been covered in bird-deterrent netting.

Photographing the kittiwakes which are using a building ledge next to their traditional nesting site.

Photographing the kittiwakes which are using a building ledge next to their traditional nesting site.

A trip on the River Tyne ferry to get a better angle to film the kittiwakes at the ferry landing.

Filming kittiwakes around the North Shields Ferry Landing where their traditional nesting site has been covered in bird-deterrent netting.