Last week, the production team visited the North Yorkshire seaside town of Scarborough. The kittiwakes nesting on and around the Spa Bridge and Grand hotel were our main filming targets. We also ventured inland to the town centre and main shopping thoroughfare where kittiwakes nest on shop-front ledges.

Travelling light! It takes a lot of gear to be prepared for different situations.

Filming the Scarborough kittiwake colony beneath the Spa Bridge.
We also interviewed Tim Burkinshaw, ecologist for Scarborough Borough Council. Tim spoke with us about the impact of kittiwake colonies near Scarborough, the mixed views of residents and business owners, and learning to live with seabirds.

Interviewing Tim Burkinshaw, Scarborough Borough Council ecologist.

Interviewing Tim Burkinshaw, Scarborough Borough Council ecologist.
Many thanks to…
- Tim Burkinshaw,
- Steve Race, who showed us the locations of the town centre nesting sites,
- The Bike and Boot Hotel for facilitating our stay.

Kittiwakes nesting beneath the Spa Bridge in Scarborough.